El Canasto temporalmente cerrado

Tenia planificado continuar El Canasto de la misma manera que los años anteriores, pero esta mañana he recibido una carta que cambia todos mis planes:

Dear Mr. Sangers:

Kaplan and Smitch is a national public interest law firm. We have presented many briefs before the United States Supreme Court, and we have argued before the High Court and in state and federal courts throughout the nation. Kaplan and Smitch has offices in Florida, Virginia and hundreds of affiliate attorneys licensed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. We frequently provide assistance to various organizations including David Alen Corporation (“DavidCorp”).

It has recently come to our attention that your web site, canasto.es is using a brand that you admit was taken from the DavidCorp web site.
You appear to believe that the stolen brand is exempt from federal intellectual property laws as a ‘parody’ due to ‘fair use’. Unfortunately, the intricacies of federal law cannot adequately be covered on your site due to the variety of facts addressed by courts in numerous cases. Your use of the brand is indeed a violation of copyright law and is not covered by ‘fair use’.

We are confident that you will understand our insistence that you immediately cease use of the brand on your web site or in any other form. Please confirm your agreement to this request, and please note your confirmation that no other use is being or will be made of the brands or logo, by signing and returning an original signature on a copy of this letter at the address shown above, no later than January 15, 2010. We appreciate your anticipated cooperation with this request.


Simon Stevenson,
Kaplan and Smitch

Escribo en El Canasto en mi tiempo libre, y no tengo los conocimientos ni los recursos para ir en contra de una empresa grande que cuenta con un bufete de abogados profesionales. No me queda más remedio que seguir las instrucciones de esta carta.

Por el momento he cerrado El Canasto para poder eliminar todas las referencias a David Alen y DavidCorp. Probablemente voy a necesitar algunos días más para poder decidir el futuro de El Canasto, porque hasta ahora siempre he tomado las obras de David Alen como base de todo lo que escribo.

Hasta pronto,
Jeroen Sangers.

Jeroen Sangers

Anfitrión del Canasto. Mentor artesano especializado en la Efectividad 2.0 para personas y equipos de trabajo.


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